Sunday, March 14, 2010


The different between the Truman show and reality TV show is the setting which it take place. In the movie Truman was born and raised in an artificial city where everything and everyone is a part of the movie. People that Truman interacted with everyday were actors. Truman participation as an actor without any knowledge that he is a star of the show, he was deluded by the creator of the show that the worlds he live in really exist. Every step of his life was predetermined by the creator and the cast, Truman never had a chance to make a decision of his own.
In reality TV people chose to be part of it by volunteer with the knowledge that they will be on camera, that their live will be view by millions of people. Everything in the show is real the actors, the setting and the situation, there is no script. In reality show people really interact with each other that why its call reality show.
During an interview where christof state .“I have given Truman a chance to lead a normal life. The world, the place you live in, is the sick place. Seahaven is the way the world should be.”I am however agree and disagree with this statement. The reason I agree with this statement is Seahaven is a perfect place to live in. Truman could live a perfect life in seahaven, he would never come into harm or be in any real danger, not to mention his financial status. He would always have a job and never have to face real life optical. Compare to the real world where he will have to face every problem on his own. There will be no cast and crew to assist him through. He would be facing real danger or even be killed. The reason I disagree with this statement is that is wrong to toy with someone life by creating a make belief world for a person to live in for other viewing entertainment. Truman should be free to have total control of his own life and make a decision that would determine his life.
When Truman start piecing together the falsity of the world that surrounded him, his view of seahaven is radically altered and start to question all that he encounter. The similarity that parallel with my life started way back when I was a kid, In my youth I never had to worry about real life problem. The only thing I could think of is play and play some more. I tend to see the world as how kid see it as fun and worry free. When I grew up I start to face many adult situations. I have to learn how to survive in the real world, encounter many people and start to see the world that surrounded me is not such a beautiful place after all.

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