Thursday, March 25, 2010


1. What is your first thought of what the museum going to be like?

2. What is the first thing you notice when you walk into the museum?

3. How much are you planning to pay for suggestion price?

4. Who is Lon Chaney?

5. What was he call?

6. Locate and Watch the great train robbery?

7. What was the focus of the Fan magazine?

8. Go to music section and find whose star in movie meatballs?

9. Who compose nightmare before Christmas soundtrack?

10. Who compose men in black soundtrack?

11. Beat pac man.

12. Go check out Feral Fount.

13. How many series of small sculptures the Feral Fount made of?

14. When did Nintendo came out?

15. When did sega genesis came out?

16. When did ps 1 came out?

17. Create your own animation.

18. Who invented photographic devices?

19. Watch movie scene with different soundtrack and compare how different soundtrack had an effect on a movie scene

20. Try making your own voice automated dialogue replacement. Be creative.

21.What were the 3 film produce by vista vision, 35mm still camera?

22. What year were they produced?

23. What was Zoopraxiscope device use for?

24. Who was the first silent-film director to used close-up shot.?

25. What the name of the first American Blockbuster movie?

26. Do you like the museum?

27. What piece of exibition impress you the most?

28. Did you learn something from your experience in the museum?

29. What did you learn?

30. Do you have fun?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


The matrix makes me think a lot about the world live in. Do I really live in the real world or do I live in the matrix? The question left unanswered. I recently had watched the animatrix which is the prequel of the movie. Before the matrix was created human and machine coexist peacefully until the machine was rejected by human. Soon after the war begins, human had lost and agreed to become an energy source for the machine. In return the machine created the perfect world call the matrix for human to live in. In the matrix Neo choose to take the red pill because he do not believe in the world he lives in, that there are more to it, Neo also say that his dream feel more real than when awake. I believe that we are just one race to the machine, the human race. Gender are not important in the matrix either, the machine only need our body as their energy source. In the matrix our body is not important, the body is just a form of existing that the matrix had created for us. However outside the matrix our body is important to the machine like I mention before human are the energy source for the machine. What separate human from the machine is choice and free will? Human had the ability to make their own choice allow them the further their destiny. The machine however cannot comprehend the concept of choice and free will. They core structure base on purpose and control. This is the reason for the disharmony in Zion city. The people in the city chose to reject the matrix which goes against the concept of purpose and control causing the machine wanting to destroy the city. The true is human and machines do need one another. The movie is already a great example, human need the machine to perform task that is humanly impossible. The ship people ride on, the weapon they use and the computer are machine. We as human are the one who build the machine in the first place. Without human there would be no machine, that why we need to coexist.

matrix the quiz

I would take the red pill. In the matrix, the world is beautiful which is create by machine for human to live in. The reason I'll take the red pill because I would want to live in the real world and fight for my freedom. In order for humans to fight, they need to be free. Anyone who are not unplug is part of the matrix. Neo believe there was something different and he wanted to know more that why he take the red pill.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The Truman syndrome is a type of psychiatric delusion under which people are were convinced that their lives are secretly playing out on reality TV. This syndrome is refer to a movie the Truman show starring Jim Carry. People who suffer from this symptom can be dangerous to themselves and to others. The Truman syndrome is a complex disease but can be threat psychologically.
The reason people feel that they are on TV could be from a result of paranoid disorder. They mistrust and suspicious of others. This could link to extreme stress level or under excessive depressions at these circumstances people are not mentally stable. They may develop a way out by believing in thing that is not real.
The sites where I found my information came from google. I think the sites are trustworthy because the information I get seem to be logical, plus the site was the one that came up at the very first page after I type the world.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


The different between the Truman show and reality TV show is the setting which it take place. In the movie Truman was born and raised in an artificial city where everything and everyone is a part of the movie. People that Truman interacted with everyday were actors. Truman participation as an actor without any knowledge that he is a star of the show, he was deluded by the creator of the show that the worlds he live in really exist. Every step of his life was predetermined by the creator and the cast, Truman never had a chance to make a decision of his own.
In reality TV people chose to be part of it by volunteer with the knowledge that they will be on camera, that their live will be view by millions of people. Everything in the show is real the actors, the setting and the situation, there is no script. In reality show people really interact with each other that why its call reality show.
During an interview where christof state .“I have given Truman a chance to lead a normal life. The world, the place you live in, is the sick place. Seahaven is the way the world should be.”I am however agree and disagree with this statement. The reason I agree with this statement is Seahaven is a perfect place to live in. Truman could live a perfect life in seahaven, he would never come into harm or be in any real danger, not to mention his financial status. He would always have a job and never have to face real life optical. Compare to the real world where he will have to face every problem on his own. There will be no cast and crew to assist him through. He would be facing real danger or even be killed. The reason I disagree with this statement is that is wrong to toy with someone life by creating a make belief world for a person to live in for other viewing entertainment. Truman should be free to have total control of his own life and make a decision that would determine his life.
When Truman start piecing together the falsity of the world that surrounded him, his view of seahaven is radically altered and start to question all that he encounter. The similarity that parallel with my life started way back when I was a kid, In my youth I never had to worry about real life problem. The only thing I could think of is play and play some more. I tend to see the world as how kid see it as fun and worry free. When I grew up I start to face many adult situations. I have to learn how to survive in the real world, encounter many people and start to see the world that surrounded me is not such a beautiful place after all.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Blog #1

Nasit Phongtankul
A cyborg is a human being whose body has been taking over in part or in whole by electromechanical devices.
I am a Cybor, however I am not obsessed with electronic device, it’s only part of my life. It is true that people depend on machine as a tools to help them get through the day faster or make their live a little easier . For example a tool such as computer , the whole world cannot run without them. Imagine what would this world be like without computer , no internet, no email, no more machine to perform humanly impossible task.