Tuesday, April 27, 2010

blog 15 essay draft

Midterm Essay Draft
Introduction: Introduction of the paragraph on television, the history of television.
Thesis Statement: media is not the leading cause of violence, but a combination of many social factors.
With the introduction of the television to American in 1946, our world had change. The world has been brought together in a very beneficial way. As our technologies progressed, events of the world have been able to be broadcast around the globe. As the world gets closer, people get closer. Society began to form and problem with violence started to take effect.
Violence in our society seems to be an increasing problem. We turn on the new and we see violence crime on T.V. everyday. Younger and Younger generation of youths are committing some of the most horrific crime. With the rise of violence in youth, society as a whole has begun to point out finger. Our quickness to place a blames has been one major aspect of American society. Everything and everyone can be target as a potential suspect. Television or the entertainment industry has been point out as one of the leading cause of violent in children. To blame the situation solely on Television alone is incorrect. That mean we are overlooking hundreds of different social problems which also play crucial role in producing violence behavior in young adult. In order to fix the problem, we must come together as a whole to recognize and evaluate every aspect of what cause violence. In doing so, we will find that the media is not the leading cause of violence, but a combination of many different social factors.
In a study, it was shown that children’s attitudes toward television content change dramatically over time, 34% of children aged five to seven believe that commercials always tell the truth, but the number drop to 5% by the ages of eleven to twelve. Relative to the attention paid to programs, the attention paid to commercials drops by 21% between the ages of five and seven and by 42% between the ages of eleven and twelve. This indicated that as children mature, they become aware of what’s true and what’s false, what is wrong and what is right. If children could see what goes on commercial is not entirely true why would they believe that going out with a loaded gun and shoot people is a right thing to do? Violent behavior and criminal activity has always been associated with drug, gangs, and living condition. Violence is everywhere even places where television is not a major part of life.

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